According to a recent article in the Chicago Tribune, “The average American spends about 70 hours a year on lawn and garden care.” Just a little something to think about next time you are working to get your lawn up to the neighborhood standards.

And that’s just in regards to time being spent. When it comes to money, “Americans spend roughly $40 billion annually caring for their lawns.” There is, however, an economical and time-saving alternative – artificial grass. Many people don’t consider the amount of time spent laboring over their lawns, nor do they always calculate the long-term costs of lawn care compared with the initial investment of an artificial lawn.

Here’s how having artificial grass can save you a significant amount of time, among other things:

1. No More Mowing. Say goodbye to sweltering days spent pushing a noisy lawnmower back and forth. Yes, it’s good exercise, but wouldn’t you rather be swimming, fishing, hiking, or doing pretty much anything else? just one more thing on your to-do list, and with an artificial lawn, it is crossed off your list indefinitely.

In addition to the time saved by not having to mow the lawn regularly, you won’t have to worry about your lawnmower running out of gas, needing a new part here and there, or having to be replaced altogether. Lawnmower headaches will become a thing of the past.

2. No More Watering. Do you worry about the amount of water that is used to hydrate your lawn? Whether you have a built in sprinkler system, or it is done manually, you undoubtedly spend more time and money on watering your lawn than you’d like.

By installing artificial grass, you can eliminate the need to use excessive amounts of water and expensive irrigation systems to make your lawn look great. In fact, once it’s installed, you won’t have to spend another minute thinking about watering your lawn. Another item taken off the to-do list (check).

3. No More Gardening. In addition to eliminating time spent mowing and watering your lawn, there are many other landscaping activities that are no longer required with an artificial lawn. Tedious tasks like weeding, seeding, edging, and fertilizing your lawn will become a thing of the past.

If you have a gardener that does all of the not-so-fun landscaping tasks for you, you can take the money you were paying them with and put it right back in your pocket. Instead of spending all your time making your lawn look pretty, you can sit back and enjoy your artificial lawn instead.

4. Easier Pet Cleanup. Yes, your dog is still going to do his/her business on your artificial lawn. However, you won’t have to worry about your furry friends digging holes in the middle of your yard and creating a big muddy mess. They won’t be able to dig up your artificial grass, so you won’t ever have to think about that problem again.

Because artificial grass is easy to wash, cleaning up after your pet will mostly involve hosing off pet waste. You also won’t have to worry about discolored patches on your lawn caused by pet waste. Plus, your pet will love the feel of the artificial turn on their paws.

The fact is, having artificial grass vs. real grass can save you money in the long run, in addition to helping you save valuable time. So you can spend time enjoying your beautiful lawn, instead of spending all of your time trying to keep it nice.

Want to find out more about how you can save water (and money!) by switching out your lawn for an artificial grass one? Contact us today to request a quote.